Using the power of this incredible program and the money we already earn, The DEBT SHREDDER will have us paid off in 7.8 years. We will own our home outright in half the time. Plus we will KEEP ½ THE INTEREST ($ 21,424.42) FOR OUR FUTURE AND OUR SECURITY.
I eliminated $17,871 of my $35,000 in credit card and LOC debt. I had $1072 of disposable income left over at the end of every month now, compared to the $200 left over just 2 years prior. I should be debt free within the next 4 years, far ahead of the bank’s schedule of 27 years. So far, I have saved (prevented) $42,000 in interest from going to the banks. My credit score went from fair, 620 to very good, around 754.